children's sunday schedule
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Room A: Ages 0-11 months
Room C: Age 1-2
Room D: Age 3-4
Room E: Grades K-2
Room F: Grades 3-4
Upper Room: Grades 5-6
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Room A: Ages 0-11 months
Room C: Age 1-2
Room D: Age 3-4
Room E: Grades K-2
Room F: Grades 3-4
Upper Room: Grades 5-6
Children’s Ministry is a ministry to children
Our goal is to create a desire to learn in a loving setting that provides order and protection in preparing children for life, exposing their inability to keep godly standards, and thus their need for a savior (Prov. 22:6).
- Leading children toward heart-changing, life-saving truth by laying the foundation of knowing, worshipping, and pleasing God in a true sense of awe, as well as learning to respond in obedience to His authority (Prov. 9:10).
- Teaching children a biblical worldview in which they are confronted with the true nature of their sin, that it separates them from the love of God and, without Christ, condemns them to eternal punishment (Rom. 1:18).
- Introducing children to the atoning work of Christ on the cross, His resurrection, and their need to turn from their sins and receive God’s mercy, grace, and forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ (1 Jn. 4:13).
Children's ministry is a ministry for parents
Our goal is to encourage and reinforce parents' efforts to bring up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Eph. 6:4).
- By endeavoring to meet parents, affirming their efforts to bring up their children in the Lord and supporting their leadership in the home.
- By encouraging and assisting parents to oversee the instruction of their children through hands-on involvement in their child’s ministry.
- By involving parents in ministry development and leadership to encourage and support a pattern of spiritual leadership in the home.
Children's Ministry is a ministry by volunteer teachers
Our goal is to equip our volunteers to effectively teach and train children in God’s Word as they have allowed Him to make the Scriptures live in their own hearts (1 Tim. 1:4b-5).
- By coming alongside willing and spiritually qualified individuals, equipping them to effectively participate in life-changing instruction with children.
- By encouraging each teacher’s personal growth, use of spiritual gifts and ministry skills to enable an enduring ministry to parents and children.
- By developing leadership skills and qualities that further equip and challenge other students, teachers, and parents to follow their Christ-like example.
If you are interested in using your gifts & talents to serve the children of PBC or want more information
about the current needs of Children's Ministry, please contact the church office at 661-259-2913.