The Mission of the Ministry
Student Ministry at Placerita Bible Church exists to glorify God through the teaching of His Word, making disciples, evangelizing the lost, serving the church and community, and fellowshipping with other Christians to edify the body of Christ.
"That sounds nice, how do you do that?"
• Expository preaching of the Word of God. We believe the most relevant truth for modern students is what God has given to us in His Word!
• Coming alongside the parents to help them encourage their students to grow in the Lord.
• Discipling believing students to become complete in Christ, using their spiritual gifts and talents to build up the body.
• Evangelizing to the lost
Stay Connected
OneSixty8 meets:
Sunday mornings from 10:30 AM - noon in Modular 2
Wednesday nights from 6:30 - 8:30 PM in Modular 2
Want to receive emails about Youth Ministry events?
Click below and email our Youth Director, Tim Drumm, to be added to our email list.
You can also email him if you have any questions.
What is Student ministry like at PBC?
Here is a little taste of a student ministry event at PBC!
Hope you enjoy this recap from our most recent camp, retreat or event.
Student leadership team
If you are in High School and are interested in serving on the Student Leadership Team, please CLICK HERE to
fill out the application. We will contact you with more information. Please note: you must regularly attend PBC
and have your parents' approval in order to serve in this way.